TV’s Evolution is No Cause for Concern

Nowadays, the question isn’t so much, “what’s on TV?” rather, the question is “what type of TV are you watching?” In the last 50 years, television has gone from a three-station, living room campfire to a portable, consumer-driven...

Google Index of Twitter Feeds a Nuisance

This blog is totally off the dome, and while I’m afraid to say it, may not be the most factual. That said, I’m still not going to research all the information. “And why, Jason, won’t you research information for your blog?” I’ll...

Internet Archives, a Time Capsule with Teeth.

No advice this month folks, just thoughts and opinions. I just looked back at a blog I wrote a few months ago. It was about the advertising industry and how we need to give ourselves a reality check laced with humility. I never published it. It wasn’t that the...