Whiteboard, How I Love Thee

I really can’t get enough. Even as I sit here typing away on a blank white page, I can’t help but look over to the 4×8 panel of potential to my right. I encourage everyone that needs to convey a big idea to go out and purchase a whiteboard today. Let...

A Writer’s Portfolio: A Book Without Copy

Dear Minnesota State University Moorhead Mass Communications Professors: Please refrain from blacklisting me. You taught me admirably and prepared me for my quest into this treacherous industry. Though I proudly rave about your wisdom and methods, I must recant on an...

Going Against Green

As a marketing gimmick, “Going Green” must be destroyed. People throw around buzzwords like they’re a good thing. Living in Minnesota, where mosquitoes could be the state bird, the term buzz doesn’t conjure up images of trendy hype. To me,...

5ives: Fargo Falsehoods

We’ve already established that a Fargo Factor should be used as the economic indicator to measure the intangibles of the human spirit and drive for success. But before that can happen, we need to expound on five crippling myths about the people in the...

Zombies: Advertisers After An Apocalypse

Let’s assume for a minute, the worst is going to happen. Glacier melting leads to floods more epic than that Kevin Costner bomb, Waterworld. Aliens invade. Volcanos erupt, while the tectonic plates slam into each other like they were in a Nirvana mosh pit circa...