We’re Advertising What? Part 1 of 3

At any job, there are good days and bad days. At Absolute Marketing Group, the vast majority of my days are awesome. I mean awesome as in I’m full of awe. I’m constantly blown away by the array of industries we serve, the media we deliver and the...

Billy Mays: An Era Without An Heir

Billy Mays represented everything I hate about advertising creative and everything I love about advertising principles. Save the occasional Little Giant DRTV program, I fear the pitchmen of the world are doomed. From a creative standpoint, Direct Response TV (DRTV)...

5ives: How Fargo Got To Twitter

Having lived in Fargo for all but six months of my life, I can comfortably say I’ve been around the block once or twice. For those of you outside the area, I should make it known that “been around the block” is just a figure of speech. Fargo has more...

Going Against Green

As a marketing gimmick, “Going Green” must be destroyed. People throw around buzzwords like they’re a good thing. Living in Minnesota, where mosquitoes could be the state bird, the term buzz doesn’t conjure up images of trendy hype. To me,...