Creating A Slogan

A good slogan says a little about your company or entices people to come by your store. A great slogan positions your business and motivates customers. Slogans are the glue that bonds your marketing campaign together. I have identified the main categories of slogans....

5ives: Spanish Slogan Screw-Up

Language faux pax happens billions of times a day. A word here gets lost in translation and is seen as something a little off color to the culture. It gets pretty embarrassing when it happens to an agency. With Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota being sister...

The things you learn, and the things you remember

WordPress is a beast that I love to hate to love. When it works, it works very well, which is 99% of the time. But when it doesn’t, well, then I can usually plan on spending at least 4-6 hours researching why it’s not, and then (most of the time) an hour...

IE6, PNGs and Forms – Oh My!

A recent example of a debugging episode with IE6 – We recently discovered that a form on a certain website had mysteriously stopped working in IE7 and Firefox (2 or 3, I don’t know which version) on a PC. More specifically, something was preventing the...

Congratulations, It’s A Baby Trade Name

As an entrepreneur, you always had your dream business in mind. Regardless of the industry or niche, something possessed you to branch out and start on your own. As your dream came to fruition, this newborn business needed a name, and so began one of the most exciting...