The Curiosity of Billboard Advertising

While driving, have you ever noticed a catchy slogan, popular musician’s face, or even a tasty burger tempting you from a distance? Billboards have been around for years, and most recently we are seeing digital billboards take a front seat to the older format of...

5ives: Merch Madness & The Theory of Logonomics

Much like Brian Meckler’s article, “Bottom Line Branding,” I have often wondered, “What truly motivates people to buy or not to buy wearable merchandise with a logo?” I have even discussed the topic with random strangers as my own survey of sorts. So this time I...

Bottom Line Branding

Have you ever seen an article of clothing with a company logo on it priced at $60 or more? Did you stop and think to yourself, “Wow that’s way too much?” Did you buy it anyway? If you’re willing to spend that much on a piece of clothing, should the logo be small and...

5ives: Short Stories in 30 Seconds Flat

At my childhood dinner table, we would sit around telling stories. My dad was a teacher, so every day he would come home with a story about a breakthrough moment in his psychology class, or the masterful way he disciplined the hallway bully with an unexpected ten-page...