While driving, have you ever noticed a catchy slogan, popular musician’s face, or even a tasty burger tempting you from a distance? Billboards have been around for years, and most recently we are seeing digital billboards take a front seat to the older format of vinyl or poster boards.

From beginning to final placement, it is important to note that billboard advertisements have one main purpose: To capture the driver’s attention, and create a memorable impression very quickly. Billboards need to be readable in a short time frame, since they are usually being read by people driving at high speeds and in high traffic areas.

As a client, it’s important to know the differences between vinyl/poster boards and digital billboards. Vinyl/poster boards are more traditional billboards that can be found in a variety of cities and street corners. Digital billboards, on the other hand, are less common, but are gaining momentum.

Let’s take a moment to check out the billboard options available to you and how they can help market your brand.

Distinctly Different.

Digital billboards are vibrant and exciting visuals, appearing on LED screens, whereas vinyl/poster boards are printed on, wall, vinyl and posters. One advantage digital billboards have over their counterparts, is that an ad can be changed within a split second. For instance, let’s say you’d like to “freshen” up your weekly specials. With digital billboards you can do that.

Traditional billboards are a little more complex. It takes time to produce the vinyl/poster and physically place it, and you can’t make changes as quickly. So with traditional billboards, you’ll need to think long-term and create a message that stands the test of time.

Boldly Beneficial.

What benefits does a billboard offer your brand?

The first is guaranteed traffic. It’s likely that your potential customers are driving by your advertisement daily, and looking at it. And it’s for this reason that the bolder your ad, the better. Say you need a design that grabs your customer’s attention, why not create a 3D structure that bucks the norm. With that kind of creative impact, you will surely grab the driver’s attention.

Since most billboard messages remain in the same place for a month or longer, people who consistently drive or walk by tend to see the same message numerous times. So planning particular locations for deliberate purposes are essential. For instance, a billboard located directly near your place of business can have a great impact in leading consumers to walk in.

24/7 Impact

To leave you with a few words of wisdom, outdoor advertising comes down to location, location, location. High traffic areas are the most ideal and a billboard in an undesirable area will do you little good.

Remember to keep your message concise, as well as creatively appealing to attract readers. Using very few words, bold colors and simple backgrounds will create the most effective outdoor advertising messages.

Next time you’re driving and notice a catchy billboard that grabs your attention, pay attention to what you liked about it. With a little creative help from us, you can take your billboard advertising from plain and boring to something creative and memorable that has a lasting effect. Give us a call at 701-478-1111 and ask for a Marketing Advisor or visit absolutemg.com/contact if you’re looking for an effectively catchy digital or traditional billboard.