by Absolute | May 15, 2013 | Fun & Inspiration, Services, Tutorials & How-To, Web
I didn’t know what I was in for. A speaker on HTML and CSS…sheesh…I don’t know anything about Web code. Guess I should go, huh? This will be interesting. Will I understand anything she’s talking about? I’m a writer. [Crowd holds all laughter.] I also...
by Absolute | Jan 17, 2013 | Fun & Inspiration, Services, Writing
It’s probably the hottest topic at work, aside from politics. It’s time to discuss music in the workplace. Can you listen to it at work? To music, that is, not politics. Maybe music is forbidden due to safety at your construction site, or maybe you were told you could...
by Absolute | Sep 26, 2012 | Fun & Inspiration, News
Moorhead, MN – Absolute’s Lead Web Developer, Cas Johnson, and her husband, Andrew, welcome baby boy Gabriel Lee Johnson to their family.nson Born on July 9, 2012 at 3:45 pm at Essential Health in Fargo, ND, Gabe weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce, 22 inches. He beat...
by Absolute | Sep 26, 2012 | Fun & Inspiration, Graphics, Services
From slick and refined designs to hand-drawn, collage-style art, graphic design in 2012 has gone back to the basics. Rough sketches and artisan authenticity are now preferred over glossy perfection. Designers that choose simplicity versus overworked art are leading...
by Absolute | Aug 23, 2012 | Fun & Inspiration, Services, Tutorials & How-To, Web
Picture this: Two figures. In full-body, spandex suits. Ninja-style moves and…an iPad. What? Wait a minute… The iPad starts a slideshow. It says: “I’m Flexible. I Can Fit In Monitors, Smartphones & Tablets. Can You? That’s Because You’re Not As Easy As...
by Absolute | Jul 24, 2012 | Awards, Fun & Inspiration, News
Moorhead, MN – On June 21, Absolute Marketing Group held its annual Chili Cook-Off and client appreciation party. This year we held a 70’s-themed, bowling shindig at All Star Bowl in Moorhead. There were high scores, High Life beers and high notes on the...