Client Spotlight: NDDOT

by | Jul 13, 2015 | Fun & Inspiration, News, Uncategorized

As summer construction season approached, the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) was looking for a way to inform the public about the importance of careful driving and staying safe in construction zones. When the NDDOT brought this issue to Absolute, it was decided that a new, catchy safety campaign would be the best way to grasp the attention of motorists in the Peace Garden State and remind them of the challenges of summer driving.

Our content strategist, Anthony, has a background in writing music and has been very successful at adapting those skills for writing strong, persuasive content for advertising and marketing. When our creative team put their heads together, the idea arose to produce an infectious, western style jingle that would be entertaining and communicate the safety messages that the NDDOT wanted to stress.

First, we decided upon the overall style of the jingle. We chose one deep male voice and a second more colorful male voice that sounded like cowboys or ranchers. We decided a strategically placed whip crack sound effect would really help the jingle pop.

From there, Anthony got to work crafting catchy lyrics that told the right story. The difficult part was making the jingle rhyme and flow nicely, while still conveying the full message that the NDDOT wanted to get across. With much hard work from our creative team, the “Drive Slow” jingle was born. Listen to it here:


“We like the creativity used to develop an important safety message for motorists traveling in western North Dakota. The jingle takes a serious message and makes it both fun and memorable,” said Peggy Anderson of NDDOT.

Need help getting your message across in a creative, effective way? Give us a call at 701-478-1111 or visit We would love to help.