Showhorse vs. Workhorse

At the end of the day, what matters in the advertising agency isn’t glamour versus grindstone; it’s the output–the ability to further the clients we serve. Large agencies have the flash; small agencies have the focus. Here are some quick insights to...

What’s The Deal With .MOBI?

Do you need to use a .MOBI domain name to get the most out of your mobile web site? The answer isn’t crystal clear. First of all, if you simply want to protect your brand across many different versions of Top Level Domains (TLD’s) then you should consider...

Congratulations, It’s A Baby Trade Name

As an entrepreneur, you always had your dream business in mind. Regardless of the industry or niche, something possessed you to branch out and start on your own. As your dream came to fruition, this newborn business needed a name, and so began one of the most exciting...

Marketing to your Existing Customers

You’ve spent good money to draw consumers into your business. The designers and marketing professionals you may have worked with talked at length about branding, building and maintaining your company image. At last, droves of customers pile into your business....