Marketing Saga of Lady Gaga

I was intrigued to read that 24-year-old Lady Gaga ranked number one in the “Most Creative People in Business” article in the June 2010 issue of Fast Company Magazine. Could Stefani Germanotta (aka Lady Gaga) have really expected this amount of fame...

Tonight’s News Brought to You by:

Surveys show that a growing amount of Americans regard advertising as an annoyance at best. Consumers may have forgotten that it’s advertising that has subsidized news and entertainment for decades providing radio and television content for free. Newspapers and...

What’s The Deal With .MOBI?

Do you need to use a .MOBI domain name to get the most out of your mobile web site? The answer isn’t crystal clear. First of all, if you simply want to protect your brand across many different versions of Top Level Domains (TLD’s) then you should consider...

Social Media vs Traditional Media FAQs

At a recent presentation on the importance of social media, members of the audience asked some valuable questions regarding the balance between social media, like Facebook and Twitter, and traditional media, like television and print. I think it would be beneficial to...