Password Overload

If you have been using the Internet for any time now, you probably have noticed something… you have a ton of passwords and user accounts you need to keep track of! Twitter, Facebook, Linked-in, Google Analytics, your blog site, your webmail, your online banking...

Boycott Microsoft Outlook

Or, if you’re tied to it – maybe you can just help Microsoft fix it – Why is this important? Microsoft is holding back the creativity of the web by forcing web designers to use old, broken, and outdated methods to display and...

WordPress MU – Taming the Beast

I just finished up a project that involved an impromptu introduction to WordPress MU – THE mother of all blog-related projects for Absolute (so far). In about one month, we set up 27 blog sites (one of which is a site to rule them all), developed 3 unique themes...

5ives: How Fargo Got To Twitter

Having lived in Fargo for all but six months of my life, I can comfortably say I’ve been around the block once or twice. For those of you outside the area, I should make it known that “been around the block” is just a figure of speech. Fargo has more...