Should we do this? Part 2

In the first part of this series, I talked in depth about usability and putting your customers first when thinking about your online marketing efforts. In Part 2, I’ll explain the second question you should ask yourself – “Is the time needed to...

Facebook for Small Business

By now, most people are aware of social media. While many still struggle to understand the full scope of this rapidly evolving medium, it’s clear social media is not a fad. With tens of millions logging in nationwide, Facebook is the undeniable kingpin of social...

Should we do this?

Several months ago, Luke posted an article titled, “Is This Possible?” talking about the limitless capabilities of the Internet. I’d like to take this idea one step further. The real question isn’t “Can we do this?” but...

Five sure-fire ways to annoy site visitors

Here are five things you ‘could’ do on your site, but they are five things you shouldn’t. Put music on your site that plays automatically – Have you even been at a department store and picked up an item that started playing music? People turn...