Whiteboard, How I Love Thee

I really can’t get enough. Even as I sit here typing away on a blank white page, I can’t help but look over to the 4×8 panel of potential to my right. I encourage everyone that needs to convey a big idea to go out and purchase a whiteboard today. Let...

Password Overload

If you have been using the Internet for any time now, you probably have noticed something… you have a ton of passwords and user accounts you need to keep track of! Twitter, Facebook, Linked-in, Google Analytics, your blog site, your webmail, your online banking...

Billy Mays: An Era Without An Heir

Billy Mays represented everything I hate about advertising creative and everything I love about advertising principles. Save the occasional Little Giant DRTV program, I fear the pitchmen of the world are doomed. From a creative standpoint, Direct Response TV (DRTV)...