In Emily’s article this month, she talks about how to write captivating content for your business’ social media channels that will promote your brand, engage with your audience and sell your products or services. With the increasing popularity and widespread use of social media, a brand’s social media profile can now interact with your customers like never before. By posting frequent, relevant content that your followers deem useful, as well as interacting with them on a personal level, you can peak their interest in your business and then convert that interest into sales. Here are five tips to keep in mind when writing posts for your profiles.

  1. Variety and the Rule of Thirds – There is a simple formula for posting social content that will help keep variety in your messaging called the rule of thirds. The rule states that you should spend 1/3 of your time sharing interesting news about your industry as a whole, 1/3 of your time interacting and conversing with your followers and other relevant businesses/potential partners and the final 1/3 promoting your products or services. Following the rule of thirds will balance your overall message, preventing you from coming across as too “salesy” and improve general communication with your audience.
  2. Keep it Relevant – When posting on social media, relevance to your audience is absolutely essential. As Emily mentions in her article, every time you post something you should ask yourself “why.” “Why will my audience care about this post?” Posting humorous memes and cute cat videos may be popular and fun, but if it has nothing to do with your industry or your business in some way, it really doesn’t make much sense. Strive to strike a balance between fun and relevance. Maybe you can find a funny meme that pokes fun at a common issue or concern that your industry faces. Maybe you can post a headline above that cat video that makes an analogy between it and something familiar to those in your industry. Just keep it relevant.
  3. Make it your Own – Creating original content to post on social media is incredibly powerful. It garners attention and positions you as an expert in your industry. Original content is great and should be utilized whenever possible, but writing it is time consuming and let’s be honest, most of what you post will be recycled content that you found on the web and that’s okay. Just make it your own by taking a little time to craft a headline to post along with it. It can be as simple as summarizing the article or video that you’re posting or providing your thoughts or opinion on it. Adding this personal touch will make it much more engaging to your audience.
  4. Find Contagious Content – In Emily’s article, she talks about posting content that is shareworthy. By making the content that you post interesting and entertaining enough, you can get your audience to spread your message for you. When social media users see a post that they can relate to or that make them laugh, they are very likely to share it with their friends. Taking advantage of this by posting contagious, shareable content will ensure that your message reaches well beyond just your followers. This will generate more likes and more followers for your page and greatly improve your overall social influence and impact.
  5. Proof your Posts – The culture of social media is incredibly fast paced and immediate. The need to post often and stay on top of current trends can lead to sloppy posting with minimal review or proofing. Don’t fall into this trap. As with any type of media, simple grammar mistakes and poorly written content can shatter your credibility in a hurry. Slow down and take a little extra time to proof your message before you hit the “Post” button. Nothing’s more frustrating than noticing a simple typo in your post after it has already reached your followers and gained likes, shares and comments. There’s no going back at that point.

If you need assistance with crafting powerful social content, give us a call at 701-478-1111 and ask to speak with a marketing advisor or visit We have the skills and experience to help you succeed.