Should we do this? Part 2

In the first part of this series, I talked in depth about usability and putting your customers first when thinking about your online marketing efforts. In Part 2, I’ll explain the second question you should ask yourself – “Is the time needed to...

There is Facetube on MyTwitter

I’m sure the first time someone proposed the idea of Neapolitan ice cream, the crowd was aghast. “Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate combined!? You’re talking crazier than the Earl of Sandwich when he thought meat, cheese and bread could be enjoyed...

Twitter Marketing 101

Until a few months ago, Twitter didn’t mean much to the Fargo-Moorhead community. And to many in North Dakota and Western Minnesota, it still doesn’t mean much. The purpose of this article is to not only provide an introduction to Twitter, but to...

5ives: How Fargo Got To Twitter

Having lived in Fargo for all but six months of my life, I can comfortably say I’ve been around the block once or twice. For those of you outside the area, I should make it known that “been around the block” is just a figure of speech. Fargo has more...