The North Dakota Community Action Partnership (NDCAP) is a non-profit organization established in 1964 to act against America’s war on poverty. The mission of the organization is to provide programs to low-income individuals in order to enable them to be more self-sufficient. The NDCAP offers several services such as Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) and the Sportsmen Against Hunger Program.

IDAs give individuals a way to make money by saving in an account. For up to $2,000 saved, NDCAP will match 2:1, allowing people to make up to $4,000 just by utilizing the program. The program can be utilized by those saving for a home, post-secondary education and or a small business start-up.

The Sportsmen Against Hunger program aims to collect legally obtained game including venison, elk and good meat from hunters to donate to those who are experiencing food insecurity in the state of North Dakota. Since this program started in 2004, thousands of pounds of meat have been donated to those in need.

Absolute has assisted with NDCAP’s marketing efforts for three years. Throughout this time, we have created marketing tools to assist with NDCAP’s community outreach and marketing messages about both the IDAs and the Sportsmen Against Hunger program. Services we have provided to the organization include video, web-based marketing, logo design and print materials to enhance the public’s knowledge of the different programs.

Andrea Olson, Director, originally hired Absolute and stated the following:  “The team at Absolute Marketing Group worked hard to get us the most value for our investment. Our challenge was to promote the IDA campaign throughout North Dakota. Our challenge was greater as our budget was small. Absolute Marketing Group maximized our dollars by choosing highly targeted media vehicles, so our money was spent directly on our target audience.”

Sarah Hasbargen, who has been the Program Coordinator for the past year at the NDCAP, has had the opportunity to see the IDA and Sportsmen Against Hunger program grow in both donations and support, “my goal is to continue to seek support of marketing and distribution of marketing tools to increase awareness of the two programs across the state of North Dakota.”

NDCAP offers more programs and resources, available at all NDCAP agencies. For more information, visit their website at

If your company would like to learn about different services that we can offer you to get the word out about your organization, give us a call at (701) 478-1111 or email us at!