When developing and maintaining a web site, you need to keep your main goals in the forefront. Make sure that most of the time you spend working on your site is in support of the general goals that you want your web site to accomplish.

With that said, here’s five possible goals that you should consider when analyzing your web site and determining if your site is working for you.

  1. Lead Generation– Does your web site encourage potential customers to contact you? If you never get leads through your web site, and you want to, take a look at what you are doing on your site to encourage people to contact you about your services.
  2. Showing Off – Does your web site present your organization in a favorable manner? Are you showing people what you want them to see? If not, make sure you show your potential customers other great things you have done for other customers.
  3. Education – Do potential customers know what you are all about after they take their first breeze through your web site? Are you providing customers with valuable information that makes you look like an expert? If not, consider adding more content that allows your web site visitors to learn more about what you can do.
  4. Support – Do you frequently have to help your customers with technical or other support issues? Does your web site help you provide support? Your web site can save you a lot of time providing support to customers. be sure to find out what customers need after the sale and make it available on your web site.
  5. Sales – Do you sell a product directly from your web site? Can people purchase the product from your site without having to actually call or meet with you? If so, take a good look at your web site and make sure that it’s easy for customers to place orders. Don’t muck up the ordering process so that it’s difficult or confusing. Creating a simple and efficient ordering system should be one of your top goals if you’re selling online.